Motivation Class 2019

"Learning gives creativity
 Creativity leads to thinking
 Thinking provides knowledge
 Knowledge makes you great"


Great speeches are the hardest things in the world to explain. 29th July 2019, was unanticipated and fortuitous day for all the Depaulians. Mr. Jose Puthenveettil, the retired Union Bank Manager and a well – read and cultivated man from the Banking Sector, addressed the Depaulians on the need of building up good qualities for grooming themselves into well informed personalities. According to Mr. Jose, the school is the best place for manifesting or exhibiting the qualities of students. And for this, students should discover the strengths in them. Students need three qualities. Righteousness, Creativity & Courage. Students were asked to put their hearts into whatever they do and to persevere in their life. And the word “Impossible” must be in oblivion. Great people are ordinary people.